I am on the sofa and watching news from Aljazeera from our cable TV -by the way, it is such kind of a trend in Bosnia that almost all apartmens have cable TVs- for quite long hours. After a while I notice that my brain (only brain?) is irritated by the news about explosions, nuclear weapons, terrorist attacks, famine, typhoon etc. all around the world. Dead bodies, screams, shouts, cries are passing one by one first from my eyes and my brain and my heart... I just remember these verses from the Quran: "Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: `I will create a vicegerent (khalifa) on earth.` They said, `Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?´ He said: ´I know what ye know not." (The Cow: 30) I am thinking how actually angels were knowing that the human being would make mischief and shed blood on earth. I know their all knowledge is from the God but according to what? Did they see any experience of human being or just did they recognize the potential of badness inside them? Moreover, the God told to the angels that ´I know what you do not know!´ It was not saying that `You are wrong, they will never do any of these ones` but somehow it means that `Despite what you are saying about human being is true, it is just a part of a truth. I know the other parts of the Truth which gives me motivation to create them.` Somehow it means that `Because of these other parts of the reality, it is totally worthful to create them.` What I am watching on TV reflects the first part of the conversation, the part where the angels are questioning the essence of the human being. But what keeps me hopeful is the knowledge of the second part of this conversation.
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
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