Maybe some of you heard about this new from TVs and newspapers, but I would like to write a bit about it because that I am now so close to the happenings. Yesterday night, the war criminal Radovan Karadzic was arrested in Serbia, Belgrad. I was almost on the way to sleep and started to hear klaxon coming from the cars. I could not understand what was happening but now I know that Bosniaks were celebrating his arrest occuring 13 years later after the war. I do not know the details but it is my personal idea that probably he has been in Serbia since 13 years but Serbians decided to arrest him just now since they are so eager to join EU. Sorry, I can not write these explanations in English but the situation can be interpreted as: "Hey gözünü sevdiğimin AB'si, sen nelere kadirsin!"
As a small note, I have a memory in my mind about Karadzic from BBC's documentary about Srebrenica. He was the leader of the soldiers who occupied the city and in a video taken by themselves he was giving a small speech and exactly saying these words: "Now, 11th. of July 1995 is a HOLY DAY since we came here and conquered the muslims, Turks!" It is quite common expression here to call muslim people (Bosniaks) as Turks because of Ottoman heritage.
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