Yesterday night we had our first graduation ceremony of our university since the establishment of the university in 2004. Actually, I have not been attending any of my graduation ceremonies until now. This time, I just wanted to be together with my students during their special time. Unfortunately it became longer than I expected since the long speeches of people and also our minister V. E. I think I will not change my tradition about not to go to ceremonies will continue, even for my own Phd one, because of the crowd, unnecessary speeches and loud music etc. Anyway, I was just feeling happy to see my students being excited of getting graduated. They will learn soon that this is not an ending but just a start of so many difficulties, challenges and beauties also :) Here are some photos...
27 Haziran 2009 Cumartesi
19 Haziran 2009 Cuma
Bosna Fasli 3
Evet, Bosna ile ilgili actigimiz fasla devam edelim. Bu defa size burayla ilgili bilgi edinebileceginiz kitap ve filmlerden bahsedecegim. Once kitaplar...
1. Short History of Bosnia (Noel Malcolm): It gives information from the medieval times to today. But the book also includes explanations and opinions of the author. Not only a pure history book... Despite it says short do not think it is very short though.
2. BIH (Mustafa Imamovic): This is a book written by a Bosnian historian. It covers the periods from ancient times to today but in more historian way.
3. Modernization of BIH (Fikret Karcic): He is a Bosnian academician whom I got my Bosnian History course also. The book covers more about the modernization process in Austria-Hungary times.
4. Gecmisten Gunumuze Bosnaklar (Aydin Babuna): Evet, Turkce bir kitap sonunda. Kitap agirlikli olarak Avusturya donemine yer verse de diger donemlere de yer ayiriyor. Su ana kadarki zikri gecen kitaplardan en cok inceleme ve yorum icereni bu bence.
5. Sevdalinka (Ayse Kulin): Henuz bu kitabi okuyamasam da Bosna ile ilgili savas donemine dair bir roman oldugunu soyleyebilirim. Ayrica, yazar Ayse Kulinin soyadindan hareketle orta cagdaki en buyuk Bosnak imparatorlarindan biri olan Ban Kulinin soyundan geldigini dile getirebilirim.
Simdi de filmler...
1. Perfect Circle (Abdullah Sidran): Bu topraklarin yetistirdigi onemli isimlerden biri Abdullah Sidran. Bu film, savas doneminden hemen sonra cekilmis olup savasa dair izlenimleri ozellikle 2 cocugun gozunden sunuyor.
2. No Mens Land (Danis Tnaovic): Bu filmi de nedense bulamadim bir turlu ama merakla bekliyorum izlemeyi. Ve bu da savasa dair bir film.
3. Wellcome to Sarajevo (Michael Winterbottom): Film gibi degil de bir haber kamerasindan belgesel gibi cekilmis fakat istedigimi pek de bulamadigim bir film.
4. Grbavica (Jasmila Zbanic): Yonetmenin odullu filmi, savastan sonraki yalniz bir annenin kiziyla olan iliskileri uzerine kurgulanmis. Bu arada, filmin adinin gectigi yer Saraybosnadaki onemli yerlesim yerlerinden biri, benim yasadigim yere de yakin. Savasin en cetin gectigi yerlerden biri imis. Filmdeki muzikler harika bu arada!
Fark edildigi gibi filmlerin agirligi savas uzerine. Ama yapilacak bir sey yok, savas bu insanlarin hayatini belki daha onlarca yil etkileyecek!
10 Haziran 2009 Çarşamba
What Could I be...?
Despite I like what I am doing so much, I am thinking sometimes what else I could be if I was not an academician. One of the things I guess is I could be a designer. Yees, an industrial designer. I do not know but I like to create different things without any limit and make people's life easier and nicer by new type of products. Here are some examples from industrial designes that make me jealous.
This one is one of the designs of Tamer Nakışçı, a young designer from Turkey. This is a carper consisting of 10 or more rectangular pieces. So, if you would like to change how your carpet looks like, you can just play with the pieces and get new shapes. And below you can see a USB stick, yes it is a USB stick :), which has a shape of donut. I know maybe it is not the best idea to carry it easily but it looks nice and makes me hungry :)
6 Haziran 2009 Cumartesi
Our One Year Anniversary :)
How fast the time is passing, I am realizing once more today because of our one year anniversary for the marriage. Wouv, it became 1 year already, ha?
There are so many thing to say but I do not think that I can do. I can only say thanks first to God and then to him for every second of our togetherness. We have been married since 1 year and we have been in each other's ives since more than 2 years which made so many changes on us and each other's lives. When I turn back and try to think about them, I am surprised how amazingly the good, positive and happy things dominate the bad, sad and negative ones. Maybe it is something like that to have a good relationship :)
Thanks to my lovely guy that he bravely changed so many things in his life and added so many different things in my life too. Thanks for being together with me, talking with me or at least praying for me every time when I need. Thanks for making me feel a woman and at the same time wakening the little girl hiding somewhere inside me since the sad times of my childhood. And finally, thanks for being loved by you with the purest love I have ever seen. Thanks a lot!
I wish we could be together for this special day but it did not happen. Hope to compensate it soon... By the way, today is also the national day of Sweden. It was not our meaning to have our wedding at the same time with the national day but it became just an interesting coincidence :)
There are so many thing to say but I do not think that I can do. I can only say thanks first to God and then to him for every second of our togetherness. We have been married since 1 year and we have been in each other's ives since more than 2 years which made so many changes on us and each other's lives. When I turn back and try to think about them, I am surprised how amazingly the good, positive and happy things dominate the bad, sad and negative ones. Maybe it is something like that to have a good relationship :)
Thanks to my lovely guy that he bravely changed so many things in his life and added so many different things in my life too. Thanks for being together with me, talking with me or at least praying for me every time when I need. Thanks for making me feel a woman and at the same time wakening the little girl hiding somewhere inside me since the sad times of my childhood. And finally, thanks for being loved by you with the purest love I have ever seen. Thanks a lot!
I wish we could be together for this special day but it did not happen. Hope to compensate it soon... By the way, today is also the national day of Sweden. It was not our meaning to have our wedding at the same time with the national day but it became just an interesting coincidence :)
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