16 Ağustos 2008 Cumartesi

Yine Yeni Yeniden Linköping!

Bundan yaklaşık 2 yıl önce yolum ilk kez yurtdışına düşerken tanış olmuştum Linköping ile. Bir kaç gün içinde yine oralarda olmuş olacağım, başka başka vesilelerle. 2 yıl öncesi ve şimdisini karşılaştırınca inanamıyorum değişen bunca şeye. Şükür ki değişenler yüzümü güldürüyor, değiştirene hamd olsun! Bosna'da okulum açılınca yeniden burada olacağımı, evimin, işimin burada olduğunu düşünerek Linköping'e gitmek garip bir ferahlık veriyor. Güzel bir tatil olacak inş.
Bu gece idrak edilecek Berat Kandiliniz şimdiden mübarek olsun. Yapılanlar, yaılmayanlar, söylenenler, söylenmeyenlerle her şeyin ahiretvari bir tartıya vurulması dileği ile...

13 Ağustos 2008 Çarşamba

City Exploration+War+Small Fun

City exploration continues for us in Sarajevo. Recently, we walked through one of the famous parts of the city which is called Kosevo. The area is famous since it includes important stuff around it like US embassy, local governmental offices, the biggest hospital of Sarajevo, parks, Olimpic stadium and historical buildings. Despite the weather was quite warm, we tried to walk as much as we could. The start of the road was quite wide and nice to walk.
It was the same road where we saw so strange buildings.I was talking with one of my friends about the architectural structures of London where the historical tissue could be preserved successfully. Actually, I have seen the same thing in Paris. I became so confused because after I started to take the pictures of historical buildings I noticed that they are everywhere! And if I continued to take the picture of all of them there would be no end for this. Unfortunately it is not so valid for Istanbul. We have only special covered places -for turists especially. For example; Sultanahmet, Taksim. Again unfortunately it is similar here in Sarajevo. Not because of the war only but because of the communist periods... When I look at these giant buildings from those periods, I can only think how they are out of being humanistic, aesthetic and artistic. But still it does not mean that the city has no architectural wealth. Especially on the area where we went, there were quite much examples of the buildings from Austria-Hungary period.
By the way, as a small note, I did not know that Bosnia was the only place where Ottoman did not fight to keep and made agreement to leave to another empire i.e Austria-Hungarian empire. Even it was said that the religious authority of Bosnia during those times was saying that "I wish that the Ottomans would give Istanbul rather than Sarajevo." At the end of our walking, we saw the outer side of olimpic stadium where 1984 winter olimpic games were held. I think there is also museum inside it but for this time we did not visit it....
The ambiguities about the situation between Georgia and Russia still continues and there have been so much views about it, I would like to share my personal view about it. First of all, I do not think that any of these two parts are totally right but at least Russia seems to me more right than Georgia and especially than Saakaşvili. I do not understand how the Georgian governmental side can behave as the innocent one because they were the first ones went inside South Ossetia. I also do not understand to whom or what they trusted while they were entering inside South Ossetia, US, Nato, European countries? Another interesting situation from the war was contradictory news coming from both sides. According to the news quoted from world-wide news by on 'ntvmsnbc', it was 'loose-loose' war from the very beginning and the biggest looser was Saakaşvili. (Look below)

"The Independent “Tüm bu NATO’YA alma vaadleri Gürcü maceracılığını cesaretlendirdi. Devlet Başkanı Saakaşvili’yi, NATO’nun kurucu üyelerinden biri gibi hareket edebileceğine inandırdı. O da buradan, herhangi bir zarar görmeden Rusya’yı kışkırtabileceği sonucu çıkardı.”

“Kazan-Kazan” teorisine atıfla “Bu en başından beri Kaybet-Kaybet çatışmasıydı” ifadesini kullanan İngiliz The Guardian Gazetesi de en büyük kaybedenin Saakaşvili olduğuna vurgu yapıyor: “En büyük kaybeden ise Gürcistan Devlet Başkanı Mihail Saakaşvili. Rusya’nın Güney Osetya’yı geri almaya çalışmayacağını düşünüp kumar oynadı ve kaybetti. Gürcistan’ı birleştirmek temel hedefiydi. Ancak şimdi kazanmak bir yana daha fazla toprak yitirdi. Güney Osetya’yı tamamen kaybetti. Abhazya’dan bir askeri saldırıya da hedef olabilir. Rusya da bedel ödedi. Komşusunun egemenliğindeki bir bölgeyi işgal ederek, tüm bölgeyi tedirgin etti."

Although I agreed these indications mentioned above, I think the biggest loosers were regular people, as usual in all war. Because lots of people has died just because of the gambling of their president while he is still alive!
Bu iç burkucu konunun ardından bugün 'ntvmsnbc'nin sayfasında denk geldiğim ve beni gülümseten bir yazıdan bahsetmek istiyorum biraz. Konu, günümüzde beddualar. Çağın değişimine ayak uyduran unsurlardan birinin de beddualar olduğuna dikkat çekiliyor yazıda. Hepimiz biliriz klasik bedduaları; Allah belanı versin, İki cihanda yüzün gülmesin gibi. Şİmdilerde bunun yerini şunlar alıyormuş efendim; içtiğin çay klavyene dökülsün, kapsama alanı dışında kalasın, Ergenekon iddianamesinde adın çıksın (ben en çok buna güldüm :), kalçana paparazziler takıla vs. vs.

5 Ağustos 2008 Salı

A Song From Dino Merlin

I wrote about Dino Merlin`s concert before. Maybe it is nice now to put songs also from him. Actually I became a bit surprise because his new songs especially sound more rock. The song that I would like to share was the song that the people wanted to hear from Dino Merlin during the concert again and again. Actually, this is one of my bests from him either. I would like to unerstand also word by word what he is saying. But music includes its magic at this point maybe because despite I do not understand the lyrics, it effects me emotionally a lot.

4 Ağustos 2008 Pazartesi

National Museum of Sarajevo

This is the first time that I am writing to my blog via my new operating system called Ubuntu. If you aso became so tired of Windows and viruses, I suggest this operating system. It is good that there is someone else around me who understands about computers. think I made my poor husband enoughly crazy with my stupidity about computers. So, if I can manage to use this new operating system, I am sure it should not be so hard so many people :) Ok, that is enough commercial I guess.
We had been in national museum of Sarajevo around 1 week ago. Actually I would like to see it so long time ago but I could not have possibility. Now, it was the time. The museum is somewhere in the middle of the city but closer to the center. Despite it got so much damages during the war, it is one of the ones renovated quickly. The general view of it can be seen below:
The museum consists of three basic parts; archeology, animals and flowers (fauna and flora), botanic garden. Our museum visit started with archeology part where the remains (stones, weapons, potteries, coins etc.) from ancient times are exhibited. It was interesting to see that the basic remains are weapons and jewelries, two important stuff for men and women.By the way, the museum includes a part for historical books but it is totally under protection and it is impossible to get closer to them. Our second stop inside the museum was botanic garden which is not so big but calm and peaceful with all the flower, trees and some old remains (graves especially) around it.
The last part where the animal and flower species are exhibited is quite big and it is full of with stuffed real animals. They evenput sound effects about the animals, especially the wolves. It was a bit scary I need to confess. I especially liked the part in which different types of butterflies are collected.
All in all, if one day you way reaches to Sarajevo, it is one of the places where you can visit. The building in itself is also quite historical and the tickets are not so expensive at all, 5 km (around 5 ytl) per person. One bad thing about the museum is, all the notes and information inside the building is in Bosnian!