Yeees, again me! Maybe 1 month has passed since I did not write here. Oh, lots of changes happened. A new way phase of life has began for me: marriage phase. I could never think or imagine before that one day I would live in Sarajevo with my Swedish husband. Irreristible effect of globalization :) Maybe he has more thing to share about being a foreigner in Sarajevo because everything is more different for him than me. However, still, I am also alien here. It is good that we are two confused aliens now :) Despite the place includes so much similar aspects as my own land, still they are not enough not to feel an alien. I think this is the general rule of being foreigner in somewhere. You are born in a place with a specific culture (language, songs, food and even jokes) coming from many many years ago and when you start to live in another place where it has own culture coming from again many many years ago, you suddenly start to feel as an artifical element trying to get used to the new conditions. But it is always not so easy. They are talking with a language that sounds almost nothing to you. You want to say sorry for example when you mistakenly push on another one's feet in tram, but you do not know with what words you need to say it or you want to ask back how she is when your old neighbour asks how you are, but again you can only look at her with confused face. Language, maybe the most important cultural aspect! And even if you learn the language of this new place, you feel still artificial since all the people around you are extensions of their common historical, socio-political experiences while you are not! You see the buildings destroyed but the holes on them can only stay in your eyes when they are totally in Bosniak's hearts and minds. But there is one more reality that in some places you feel less artificial than the othe rones. For instance; I feel totally less artificial here in Sarajevo than I was in Sweden. Maybe because of this, my husband says to the ones who ask him how he feels here; "when we were in Sweden everyone was looking at her, when I was in Turkey everyone was looking at me but now here in Sarajevo no ones stares at us. Nice!"
Sarajevo is quite sunny nowadays. Unfortunately the roses which were seen all around the city with their beautiful colors have almost died now. We like to walk somewhere close to our apartment with my new alien partner. I wanted to share some of the pictures that we took during our walkings: 
From left to the right: Bombs are making a shape which looks like a rose. Sarajevo streest are full of with them. But interestingly they found a way to make them more 'beautiful'. They filled the holes with red color and they call these ones as 'Sarajevo Roses'. One of them can be seen above. The middle picture is from a destroyed apartment which is close to our one. Actually this is one of the worst ones. And on the right side, old guys are playin chess on the ground in center.