20 Nisan 2008 Pazar

Bahar Özlemi+Some Thoughts

Murphy vs. Hikmetli Oluşlar Yasası

Bu geçen günler hep ´Murphy Yasası´nın tutsaklığı altında idi. Ne demek bu şimdi? Aslında çok kompleks değil, tam aksine herkesin kendi hayatında zaman zaman etkisi altında olduğu durumun isimlendirilmiş hali işte. Mesela trafik sıkıştığında değiştirdiğiniz her şeridin en yavaş şerit olması durumu gibi. Ben de haftasonu ev arama bahanesi ile Saraybosna´yı arşınlarken bir arakadaşla, ˝yaktın beni Murphy˝ dedim durdum içimden. Zira ödunç alıp binbir zahmetle bütün yol boyu taşıdığım şemsiye bir dirhem işlev görmedi. Ertesi gün ise şemsiyesiz çıkayım dedim, sırılsıklam olup döndüm! Bu arada, buraların havası bir ayrı alem. İlk geldiğimde insanlara gıpta ediyordum nasıl bu kadar bilinçliler ki her yağmur yağışında şemsiyeleri hazır bulunuyor. Sonradan fark ettim ki bu çok maharet gerektiren bir şey değilmiş çünkü zaten 2 günde bir yğgmur yağıyor. Gerçi bu bir yandan da iyi tabi ki çünkü şehir yemyeşil bu sayede. Yalnız hala şöyle ağız tadıyla bahar olmadı işte. Buranın baharı nazlı, yağmurlarla kesilip duruyor habire. Güzel güneşli bahar günlerine uyanmak dileği var şimdi içimde. Resimdeki gibi tıpkı!
Once, one of my teachers in university was talking about his personal life to share his experiences. He said that it is his second marriage now and the first one had so long history in itself. Because they had been together since their high school days. Then they got married and as I remember the marriage survived 10-15 years. But at the end they decided to divorce. I just asked him, with some excuses that maybe it is so special to ask but I was so wonderous, why they decided to do this. Actually I was not expecting detailed explanations, I just wonder if they had reasonable reason and if he could explain it briefly. Yes he did! He said that, "we were together but we noticed after everything that where we arrived was really different." Eywallah! This does not mean that being together necessitates being the same or staying the same until the end. But if the differences are about the things preventing you to communicate properly, to share your ideas within each other, to spend time together and to get taste etc. Because there are some differences that can prevent you to do all above things together. This does not only related to the couples, it can happen among the friends, inside a family, even in your job. When I think all these things in my life, I can even say that, I generally experienced the same thing for the relationship among my friends. Besides some other reasons, when the differences lead us to see the world so different, to think and evaluate the events from so different perspectives or to lean on different beliefs under different circumstances (for example, as I started above, to believe the power of Murphy or the upper-minded arrangements) we start to spend less time. Being so different, thinking so different, believing so different becomes so tiresome after some point. This is true if you are changing and your environment/social area stays the same, or if the environment is changing and you stay the same, or if both is changing but through different directions. Maybe it is sad but somehow like a social law. And on the other hand, there is a hopeful point that there is always someone who can be with you under new circumstances. Two more things; But if you change so often even for the important issues, then there is a danger for you! You have to decide your priorities which can let you even to change your environment. For example; is it reasonable to change your friends just because that you start to wear new hair style?
The Painting: Almond Branches in Bloom (Van Gogh)

8 Nisan 2008 Salı

Sarki Molasi (Donmek mumkun mu?)

Aslinda sarkinin orjinali Yeni Turku´ye ait ama ben Servet Kocakaya´dan dinlemeyi ayri bir seviyorum. Sozler zaten ayni carpicilikta;

˝Dönmek, mümkün mü artık Dönmek, onca yollardan sonra Yeniden yollara düşmek Neresi sıla bize, neresi gurbet Yollar bize memleket˝

7 Nisan 2008 Pazartesi

About Sarajevo

Rather than giving some official or historical information about this city and Bosnia in general -because actually I was trying to search about all these things before coming here- I want to share what I am thinking about being here and what I am seeing around me.
Well, first, it can be easily noticed that it is quite hard to find a one building which does not including memories from the war. Because almost all of them has still so many holes on them, of course via some covering on them. But despite everything it seems they are trying to rebuild, reconstruct the city once more. Not so rapidly maybe but ok. It was really interesting for me to see really huge buildings inside the city. But then I noticed that they are probably from Tito´s time because they all seem communist type. Another interesting thing is, despite having not so much money, almost all women are trying to look so good. It is arguable if they are really nice -because sometimes I think they are really too much- but this is the reality. Even some of my friends here said the Bosnian women themselves confess that it does not matter for them not to have so much thing, they just give all their money to the clothes or make up materials. Related to this, it is so probable to see so many parfummeries more than other stores. When we were talking about this with one of my friends who had been Azerbaijan before, she said it was the same there also. Maybe something related to the Slavic women. Well, I have a theory :) Inside the places where the population of men is quite less than women, women feels that they need to compete for scarce resources -means guys :)-. As a different thig, the city itself is covered by tram ways and it is so easy to go everywhere via tram. Even I have not taken any bus since I came here.
That is all for now, hope I will continue!